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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well, the time to potty train is upon us again. Mitch and I are planning a long weekend at home this weekend to potty train Jake. We are going to try the Potty Train in Three Days method that we used with Neily. I know that every child trains differently, but we are hoping he will respond to it well. I just wanted to get any tips from you moms of little boys. Is there anything you would suggest or anything you can warn me about? We are starting Saturday morning and would appreciate any prayers, especially for patience!!


lauren said...

um, my advice is not exactly encouraging...i would expect him to take up to SIX MONTHS to get it down pat. that way if he catches on fast, you'll be pleasantly surprised. :)

seriously, ellie took about 24 hours and liam took about 24 weeks. :( hopefully that wont be the case with jake, but i'd have low expectations to be on the safe side. i will pray for you though!

BKicklighter said...

We did the whole "sit on the potty backward" thing and acted like he was driving a car. It helped with aiming and he has transitioned to standing with no problem. Still no pooping on the potty, but he hasn't had an accident in the pee arena since day 1. We'll pray for you.

BKicklighter said...

We did the whole "sit on the potty backward" thing and acted like he was driving a car. It helped with aiming and he has transitioned to standing with no problem. Still no pooping on the potty, but he hasn't had an accident in the pee arena since day 1. We'll pray for you.

jess said...

well, i know i've told you this before, but i'm the LAST person to ask for advice in the area :) mohana just potty trained nate and the child is 2!!!! maybe she has magic tips for us :)
anyway, we let g pick out some favorite toys that he wanted at a store. we kept them on the bathroom shelf for poopy prizes. also, we told him that if he did it every time for a given period of time, he get could a large item at the toy store of his choosing. we gave candy for tee tee success. having the prizes where he could see them and not get them if he didn't do the job was helpful!
hope to see you tonite!

jess said...

i should add, he is 2 like jake, but a young 2 :)

The Shulls said...

Hey Allison,

I trainned Nate when he was 22 months. We did the same method you're planning on using. We bought some cool Elmo underware for Nate since it was his favorite toy. Every time he went peepee he got a baby M&M and if it was a poopy, he got to pick two. The idea was not to get "Elmo's face wet", and every time he did, we said, sorry Elmo, we'll try better next time! (It was kind of cute though to see him talking to Elmo's face). I did put him a pull up for naps and night.

I made his favorite drinks (apple juice, chocolate milk, etc) with lots of ice to stir things up! I made a HUGE, SERIOUS AND RIDICULOUS deal every time he went potty.

He didn't go poopy for two days, so I gave him lots of grapes and raisins. He got the system pretty quickly. The first week after the 3-day-training he had like an accident or two every day. Once he was really done and used to the potty seat (which has Elmo pictures too), Jared taught him how to pee standing up (he did it on the yard first --sorry about that-- and then both of them went to get a stool to use in the bathroom).

I made his favorite meals that weekend and spent a looooooot of time with him. Watched every single Elmo movie we had (potty training video too). So, he was really motivated to do it.

I don't remember what else I did in special, but if I remember I'll let you know. We'll be thinking and praying for Jack!

The Shulls said...

I just realized I misspelled your son's name!!! Sorry about that :S