? ??????????????Holy Cow? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (6 Ratings)??29 Grabs Today. 1480 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
view?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????White Tiger? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (744 Ratings)??29 Grabs Today. 31615 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy I BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Monday morning we got some unexpected news. Neily has been having some GI issues and we had been in contact with her doctor over the weeked to make sure we were taking care of her in the appropriate manner. Monday morning the doctor called us at home and expressed his concern that Neily may have Cystic Fibrosis. I don't know a lot about CF, but I knew it must be a big deal because they have major events to increase awareness and support like they do for cancer and diabetes. I held my composure okay when I was talking with the doctor, but had a bit of a breakdown once we hung up. It was just another normal day until he had called. Now everything looked different.

The doctor was able to get her in at Children's hospital for testing on Tuesday (yesterday) which was a big deal since you typically have to wait at least a week to get an appointment. So, Neily and I went to Vanderbilt yesterday afternoon to get her tests run. Mitch and I had decided on Monday that we wouldn't get on the internet to read everything about CF because we didn't want to freak ourselves out over something that may not be. The Bible tells us to "think on that which is true" and so what was true was that Neily may have CF, but it wasn't a "done deal" until the test proved otherwise. She had the test at 1pm and we expected to get the results in 24 hours. But as we were leaving, the doctor who ran the test said that he would have the results to my doctor by 4pm that same afternoon. We were so grateful that we wouldn't have to wait another day before knowing. I called my doctor at 4pm and was overjoyed to hear the news that Neily tested negative for Cyctic Fibrosis!!!! I am more aware now than ever before at the blessing of having a healthy child.

The next step for us is to visit the GI at the end of November when Neily will have to get scoped. Her doctor seems to think, now that we know it's not CF, that her GI issues may be able to be solved fairly easily. We will definitely keep you all posted. Thank to you to the few of you who knew about all of this and prayed for our family. We greatly appreciate your friendships.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Singin' in the Rain

We had a LOT of rain today, so after being cooped up inside all day we couldn't help but to get out and play in it.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


You know it's a bad week when 80% of the meals you serve your kids all require ketchup.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Here are a couple of photos from the past few days. On Saturday we enjoyed visiting a local farm where the have hayrides, a pumpkin patch, and lots of other fun things for the kids to do.

And here are the kids enjoying lunch together. They love the veggie corndogs by Morningstar Farms.

And a big thanks to all of you who gave us advice on Mac vs. PC. We visited the local Apple store on Saturday evening and I think we are sold on a Mac!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Xoconochco - A little place in downtown Franklin that makes the yummiest chocolate. I have no idea how to pronounce it, but man is the chocolate wonderful! Eventually you will be able to order it online - http://www.xoconochco.com

Yesterday - Yesterday Neily came down with a fever. No other symptoms, just a fever. This morning she woke up with no fever. Our conversation this morning went like this:
Me: Good Morning, Neily. How do you feel?
Her: I am SO sick mommy. Please take care of me.
Me: Sweetie, I think you are fine, but I will take good care of you.
Her: Mommy, I am SO sick. I really think i need a cookie for breakfast.

This little girl will try anything for a cookie!

Zippity doo dah zippety ay - I have officially finished the alphabet!! Now back to my regular postings. Hopefully, with our eyes set on a new computer soon, I will be able to post pictures again!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

What to do - So, hubby and I are in the market for a new computer. We are hoping that my computer will last another month or so, but want to have a plan just in case. I wanted to get all of your opinions - Mac vs. PC. I hear that Windows Vista is terrible and that makes us lean towards Mac. BUT, Mac's are expensive and that makes us lean towards a PC. Any suggestions??