? ??????????????Holy Cow? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (6 Ratings)??29 Grabs Today. 1480 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
view?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????White Tiger? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (744 Ratings)??29 Grabs Today. 31615 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy I BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Attention music lovers: I need your help!!

Sunday night, Hubs and I got an opportunity to go and hear John Eldridge speak. It was an encouraging evening as we listened to him speak about growing in intimacy with God. One thing he dicussed was getting quiet before the Lord. All of us are unique as to what draws us in to that quiet place. For some it's worship. For some it's reading scripture or a book. For some it's getting out into nature. I personally struggle often with being quiet. It's very hard for me to get to a place of rest before the Lord because my mind is racing, the phone is ringing, the dryer is buzzing and letting me know that there are lots of clothes that need to be folded. Hearing John talk about finding "your thing" that draws you close was great for me. I remembered that worship is my thing. Oh, how music speaks to my soul! I find myself often listening to the kids music and rarely listening to the music that truly lifts my soul. Which leads to the reason why I write. I would like to know what your favorite's are. Artists or songs, what worship music is out there that i'm missing out on? I seriously can't tell you the last time I uploaded (or downloaded?which is it?) a song on itunes or put any new song on my iPod. I know many of you are in tune with what's new and what are just great classics, so I would love to hear your music suggestions. Bring 'em on!


Cole said...

Thanks for posting on my blog about the asthma. It IS scary, isn't it? I spoke with a nurse this morning more about it as it's always something I need to stay tuned into. I'd love to have your email, could you post it on my blog? I have to approve my comments, so I'll read it and not post it on the blog, that way, everyone won't have it! Thanks again. elise

jess said...

hey girl...i'm sure you know about our church's cd's, right? rmc just came out w/ a new one. my fave is help my unbelief, though. also, sandra mccracken's the builder and the architect is a fave....phil keaggy's beyond nature is instrumental...kind of appalachian sounding-you'd love it, i'm sure.

Allison said...

thanks, jess. I knew you'd pull through for me!

Amanda said...

Sorry...I'm no help in this arena. Ray would be more help than me...he downloads stuff to his Ipod from time to time. I do like Chris Tomlin, but he's not new. :)

jess said...

realized my wording may have been confusing...by "our" i did mean rmc...those cd's are timeless and great!